Friday, January 22, 2010


I did a session that is not common for me... first it was funny how it came to be... I did family pix back in Dec. and the mom later emailed me asking for headshots for her 7yr. old & pix of her dance team. I assumed it was the 7yr. old's dance team, so up until about an hour before the session, I thought I was shooting 7 7yr. olds. lol Only turned out they were adults on a football team's dance team! Oh the pressure! lol They were GORGEOUS & I had a blast at this session! <3

Here's the link to their website:

12-11-09 Rollerskating (1st time!) with a friend!

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1-13-10 We met her adaptive aquatics instructor at the library for some OT-like crafts & story... she loved it! <3

1-21-10 We went to the park with a friend... they're like the big sister & little sister neither has... <3

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1-12-10 A little food-coloring spray painting outside! :D


1-17-10 That snaggle tooth up top FINALLY fell out that night! :D



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1 comment:

Fabulous Terrah said...

Love, love, LOVE. The one of her in her headband skating with the tree in the background is my fave. classic.